PROGRAMS BY KickingLettuce Studios

  • Personality Database: Real & Fictional People Free

    With The PERSONALITY Database (also known as The PDB Community), you can contribute to and view 150,000+ real and fictional personality profiles featuring to profile systems: The four letter types base on Isabel Myers and Kat

  • Profiling Free Trial

    Kicking Lettuce Personality Profiling: A look at the personality profiles of television characters, in pop culture, and other sources. In the style of David Keirsey's Temperament Sorter and loosely based on the Myers-Briggs T

  • Debt Planner & Calculator Free

    Calculate, Discover and Payoff the END of Your Debt!Debt Planner will provide you with a quick, simple way of calculating different aspects of your current debt including the time it will take to pay off, the total interest