Engineering Steam Tables Free
Engineering Steam Tables calculates the thermodynamic properties of saturated and superheated steam. It uses the inch-pound English system of units (ºF, psia, cu.ft./lbm. BTU/lbm, BTU/lbm/R, lb*s/sq.ft., ft/s, lbm/cu.ft.
Journal of Discourses Free
The first editions of the Journal of Discourses were published in England by George D. Watt, the stenographer of Brigham Young, in 1854.The 26 volume collection includes 1,438 sermons given by 55 church leaders, including
Pipe Friction Factor Free
Pipe Friction Factor allows the user to calculate the friction factor for pipes or ductwork by providing the Reynolds number (turbulent flow only) and the relative roughness of the pipe. The program then solves the Colebrook