PROGRAMS BY Living With Ltd

  • Squeezy - NHS Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercises for CF Free Trial

    Squeezy CF has been reviewed, supported and endorsed by the CF Trust.It is recognised that one impact of the exercise recommendations and airway clearance techniques for individuals with Cystic Fibrosis is that the pelvic fl

  • Squeezy NHS Pelvic Floor App Free Trial

    Squeezy has helped thousands of women regain confidence in their pelvic floor. Pelvic health specialists around the world recommend Squeezy to their patients every day because it works.Around 30,000 people use Squeezy regula

  • Squeezy: NHS Pelvic Floor App Free Trial

    Squeezy has been designed by chartered physiotherapists specialising in Women's Health working in the NHS. It is suitable for all women who want to do pelvic floor muscle exercises. The app is particularly aimed at women who