• Directory Mate Free Trial

    Directory Mate is a wizard based import/export tool for your Windows Active Directory. Quickly export a list of users, open the comma delimited file in Microsoft Excel, make the changes you want and quickly import all your c

  • E-mail Management Server Free Trial

    E-mail Management Server allows administrators to move, copy, delete or archive messages and attachments based on content, age, location, type and size. Administration and management is extremely intuitive with a snap-in for

  • Message Executive Free Trial

    Message Executive is an Outlook add-in to automatically organize old e-mail and eliminate the need to deal with SPAM. Message Executive helps eliminate the need to deal with SPAM in conjunction with helping you to keep your

  • Attachment Analyser Free

    Analyse attachments and e-mail in your mailbox. This free analyser will provide you with html reports you can use to help identify potential problem areas with respect to attachments within your e-mail system. Feel free to d