PROGRAMS BY maiplaza165

  • Sheikh Jafar 40-Hadith Free

    The application consist of complete 42 hadith from Annawawy collection which is explained and translated into Hausa language by famous Sheikh Late Malam Jafar Mahmoud Adam. I build this application mainly for the Hausa people

  • Surah Taha Full mp3 Free

    The app provide an audio recitation of Surah Taha to allow user to listen the track. it also encorages memorisation by frequent listening. you can also visitmy site on the google app store to search for many surahs as well a

  • Al-azkar mp3 Free

    The app is mainly build For muslim users to engage themselves in memorising the azkar which include the morning and evening azkar. The Azkar will guide muslim and protect him against any evil of that day when he reads. So it

  • Surah Yasin Full Mp3 Free

    the application is mainly build for users to engage themselve in memorisng this surah. it works effectively offline. no more boring streaming, no internet connection. it works with different reciters. I assure you this applic

  • Iliya Dan Maikarfi Free

    The book named ILIYA DAN MAIKARFI is a famous book written by Ahmadu Ingawa for Hausa people to read and have relaxation. This book is also very important as now is widely used in primary school in Northern part of Nigeria fo

  • Kundin Tarihi Complete mp3 Free

    The app provide the user with islamic biography in Islam. the track is in Hausa language explained by the famous islamic teacher Sheikh Aminu Ibrahim Daurawa. It is made of 47 track which the complete package of of the title