PROGRAMS BY Mobile Magic Developers

  • Recently Installed Apps Widget Free Trial

    Quick and convenient access to your most recently installed apps.This is a widget that provides shortcuts to the the last 4 applications that you've installed. As soon as you add or remove an application your latest apps lis

  • This2That Free

    This2That is a new kind of word puzzle game you can play on your own or share with friends. Your objective is to turn one four letter word into another four letter word by changing only one letter at a time, all the while usi

  • Jane Austen Quotes with Widget Free

    Get a Jane Austen quote of the day with this new Jane Austen Quote application. You can even add a pleasant widget to your home screen our Jane would be sure to love.You get a cool history view where you can see your past qu

  • WiFi Passwords (requires root) Free Trial

    Ever need to get that WiFi password to use on your laptop that you only have on your phone? WiFi Passwords lets you quickly view the saved WiFi passwords on your rooted Android phone.Networks are sorted alphabetically and yo

  • Chinese Whispers Free

    You may know it as Grapevine, Gossip, Operator, Whisper Down the Line, Broken Telephone, or just the Telephone Game; we call it Chinese Whispers. No matter what you call it, this is a new take on the classic game and we hope