PROGRAMS BY Moritz Bartl

  • ID3KILL Free

    ID3 is a general tagging format for audio, which makes it possible to store meta data (album, year, genre, ...) about the audio inside the audio file itself.This freeware tool removes and lists ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags from MP3

  • ICQr Information Free

    ICQ .DAT (Database) files contain everything the user enters in his private details.ICQr Information is able to read and reveal personal information, such as nickname, address, birthday and much more. Supports ICQ 99a/b, 20

  • A.L.A.R.M. Free

    Imagine sitting in front of your laptop in an unprotected area (university, library, at work) and you have to leave it unattended for a short period of time. That's where A.L.A.R.M. comes into play. It silently sits in your s