PROGRAMS BY namesuppressed

  • Softener Free Trial

    The Softener Photoshop plugin adds dreamy, soft focus effects to digital photos. Softener is designed for making romantic portraits, wedding photos and glamor photographs, but it can give any image a warm and subtle glow. Us

  • Plaid Lite Free Trial

    Plaid Lite is a Photoshop plugin for creating seamless plaid patterns and tartan patterns. It extracts colors and patterns from any digital image, and uses them to generate a color coordinated plaid pattern.Plaid Lite can b

  • Autochromatic Free Trial

    Autochromatic is a Photoshop plugin that helps you create duotone, sepia, greyscale and color tint effects. You can use Autochromatic to add a rust or lavender tone to your image, create psychedelic color effects, change the