• Ultimate Mouse Free Trial

    The BEST way to take control of your computer's mouse and keyboard wirelessly through wifi or bluetooth. Install the Ultimate Control Receiver on your computer (PC, Mac or Linux) and select it from the list displayed on your

  • Ultimate Mouse Lite Free

    The BEST way to take control of your computer's mouse and keyboard wirelessly through wifi. Install the Ultimate Control Receiver program on your computer (PC, Mac or Linux) and select it from the list displayed on your iPhon

  • Ultimate Gamepad Free

    Turn you iPhone into a multitouch joystick!Connect through wifi in the most simple way. Install the Ultimate Control Receiver program on your computer (PC, Mac or Linux) and select it from the list displayed on your iPhone,

  • Ultimate Gamepad Free

    Turn you phone into a multitouch joystick!Connect through wifi or bluetooth in the most simple way. Install the Ultimate Control Receiver program on your computer (PC, Mac or Linux) and select it from the list displayed on

  • Ultimate Mouse Lite Free

    The BEST way to take control of your computer's mouse and keyboard wirelessly through wifi or bluetooth. Install the Ultimate Control Receiver program on your computer (PC, Mac or Linux) and select it from the list displayed