PROGRAMS BY Nikolay Elenkov

  • WWWJDIC for Android Donate Free Trial

    Online Japanese dictionary.Donate version of the WWWJDIC application.Try the free version first, and buy this one if you find it useful. Features are the same:* tablet support * Japanese text-to-speech support

  • WWWJDIC for Android Free

    Japanese and kanji online dictionaryAndroid frontend for Jim Breen's WWWJDICDonate version available.Features* Italian dictionary support* ICS support* full tablet support* Japanese pronunciation (install 'N2

  • Kanji Recognizer Free

    Handwritten Japanese kanji recognition and writing quiz. Integrates with WWWJDIC.New: Training mode for quiz. Use stroke guidelines and stroke order hints to practice writing kanji correctly. Does not advance to next chara