PROGRAMS BY Peix Software
Safe Love Calendar Free Trial
App designed for partners who want to know when they can have sex without contraception or when there is more risk of getting pregnant. For the calculation is used the natural method of birth control Ogino-Knaus from the date
GA Panel Free
Interactive general aviation cockpits of aircraft and helicopter to connect with Microsoft Flight Simulator X, Prepar3D and X-Plane 10. All operations are done with a single finger and all movements smoothen. The app let you
PFD Boeing Free Trial
Boeing Primary Flight Display simulator. Glass cockpit with the most important flight instruments.It simulates a Boeing' PFD, using the integrated sensors for the attitude and GPS for speed, altitude and heading.Units are
PFD Airbus Free Trial
Airbus Primary Flight Display simulator. Glass cockpit with the most important flight instruments.It simulates an Airbus' PFD, using the integrated sensors for the attitude and GPS for speed, altitude and heading.Units are