PROGRAMS BY Quality Management Solutions

  • Rider Tarot - Light Edition Free Trial

    Tarot is a historic card game of divination from which modern playing cards may have evolved. The exact origin of Tarot is lost in time but it was introduced in Europe during the Fourteenth Century.Rider Tarot - The Greate

  • Rider Tarot - Fairy Edition Free Trial

    Tarot is a historic card game of divination from which modern playing cards may have evolved. The exact origin of Tarot is lost in time but it was introduced in Europe during the Fourteenth Century.Rider Tarot - The Greate

  • Master's Tarot - Camelot Edition Free Trial

    The Camelot Edition is the first Rider Tarot program to advance to version 9.0. All the graphic files have been redesigned for faster downloads. The screen layout has been redesigned to give more information and control to

  • Rider Tarot - Gypsy Edition Free Trial

    Rider Tarot - Gypsy Edition uses the Rider-Waite tarot deck the same as the Fairy Edition with a number of program improvements and enhancements. The menu system is standardized across the top of the screen in traditional fas

  • Master's Tarot - Victorian Edition Free Trial

    The Master's Tarot deck was created simular to the Marseillaise and Rider-Waite decks. Card images are based on the work of 14th - 19th Century European Master painters. Master's Tarot follows the Rider-Waite card scheme wi

  • The Oracle of Amon - Egyptian Tarot Free Trial

    The Oracle of Amon - Egyptian Tarot is based on four historic premises: The legendary Book of Thoth reputed to record the history of the world in picture format and stored with the Ark of the Covenant; The visit of Alexander