• CrowdChamber Free Trial

    Crowd Chamber is a audio plug-in that layers multiple variations of a signal to create a crowd simulation. Up to nearly 2,000,000 layers can be produced!From simple chorusing effects, small crowds and stadiums, on to impossi

  • Pitchwheel Free Trial

    The Pitchwheel plug-in changes the pitch of a sound without changing it's length. It has a large, easy to use dial and simple parameters making it a fast and creative effect unit. It has a range of two semi-tones to two octa

  • Glass Viper Free Trial

    Glass Viper is a synthesizer with unique waveform shaping, that has a deep and natural sense of movement. Going beyond analogue simulation, into a truly organic sound, from simple old synths to grungy filthy basses, or delica

  • UpStereo Free

    UpStereo is a simple, useful tool - it makes your mixes bigger, in stereo width and loudness. Using three basic basic systems:1. A fixed frequency EQ designed to lift the highest audio frequencies, and boost the bass. 2.

  • RaySpace Free Trial

    RaySpace is a completely new acoustic room simulator. This unique reverb creates up to five channels of surround-sound reverb, all calculated in real-time. The characteristics of the room shape, height, positions and material

  • RaySpace Free Trial

    RaySpace is a completely new acoustic room reverb simulator. This unique reverb creates up to five channels of surround-sound reverb, all calculated in real-time. The characteristics of the room shape, height, positions and m