PROGRAMS BY Shadowfax Apps

  • Fake Windows 8 - Launcher Free

    This is a unique app which lets you experience the “Windows 8 UI” on your Android phone/tablet. For the first time, you can Pin/Unpin apps onto the start screen (of the launcher). The Pin/Unpin feature can be used t

  • Google Index Search Free

    Google Index Search provides a way to search the Google's Indexes to find the file you want. Google periodically indexes files of almost all types, including Mp3s, PDFs, and MKVs. And these indexes are one of the easiest pla

  • APK Searcher Free

    APK Searcher provides a way to search the Google's Indexes to find FREELY DOWNLOADABLE APK files (of Android apps).Uses of the app:- Quickly find the freely downloadable APKs of most Android Apps.