PROGRAMS BY Soft Image Inovations

  • Akuru Huruwa Free

    Language is a remarkable method of communicating. Letters are one of the most ingenious aspect of language ever created. The Sinhala alphabet is not easy to master. Our elders had the "wali pilla" a shallow sand pit to practi

  • Weda Athpotha Free

    The Sri Lankan herbal medicine tradition is quite unparalleled among many traditional herbal or “ayurvedic” medicinal and treatment methods. Furthermore, the simple medicinal treatments for day to day emergency health problem

  • Roo Pariganaka Free

    We are, Roo Pariganaka, is the only ICT magazine in Sri lanka, which is issued with a Printedbook and a multimedia DVD. Also, this is the only ICT magazine in whole south Asia region whichpublished as DVD. We serve our natio