PROGRAMS BY Sri Foundation

  • Periyazvar Tirumozhi 2 Free

    Periyalwar is one of the twelve azhwar saints of South India, who are known for their affiliation to Vaishnava tradition of Hinduism. Vishnucitta or Periyalwar incarnated on this earth in the 47th year after the beginning of

  • 108 Divyadesam Photos Free

    Sri Mahavishnu is the most powerful and much-worshipped God. As India is surrounded by oceans, in the same way the devotion to Lord God known as Bhakti is also spread and spred throughout our country. Emperumaan Sriman Naraya

  • Ramayana Stories Free

    The Ramayana of Valmiki is the most ancient epic in the world. It is known as the Adikavyam,—the first poem. Valmiki Ramayana contains 24,000 verses which have been grouped into 500 Chapters and that again into seven Kandas o

  • Periyazhwar Thirumozhi 1 Free

    In the Periyazhwar Thirumozhi Sri periyazhwar assumes the role of Yasoda, the mother of lord Krishna and enjoys the various balaleelas of ayarpadi kannan. Sri periyazhwar starts the periyazhwar thirumozhi with the celebration

  • Thiruppavai MP3 Free

    Sri Andal is the incarnation of Sri Bhumi Devi, who took the birth on this earth to liberate suffering human beings from worldly bondage. She sang 30 sweet songs containing the principles of Sri Vaishnava Dharma during the mo