PROGRAMS BY Teebo Software Solutions

  • tssBalloonTip 2.0 Free Trial

    tssBalloonTip 2.0™ is the balloon style tooltip ActiveX component that makes it easy to give your applications a more modern, polished look.Adding tssBalloonTip to your projects is very easy, and requires only a few lines o

  • TaskPaneXP Free Trial

    ExplorerBarXP™ is an ActiveX control that accurately emulates the ExplorerBar control found in Microsoft Windows XP. An explorer bar provides a way to display multiple commands or pieces of information to your users, grouped

  • tssTrayNotify Free Trial

    tssTrayNotify in an ActiveX / COM component that places a clickable icon in the system tray, while providing a popup 'balloon' style tool tip that instantly provides visual feedback for your users. This makes an ideal replace

  • PopupNotify Free Trial

    PopupNotify is an ActiveX control that lets your applications display MSN style popup alerts and notifications. Popup Notifications gracefully fade in and slide up above the taskbar tray, and can be set to disappear by themse

  • OfficeMDI Tabs Free Trial

    OfficeMDI Tabs™ is the no-code-required solution for providing tabbed MDI interfaces in your VB applications. It works with your existing MDI applications: Just add the controls to your forms, change a few properties, and you

  • ExplorerBarXP Free Trial

    ExplorerBarXP™ is an ActiveX control that accurately emulates the ExplorerBar control found in Microsoft Windows XP. An explorer bar provides a way to display multiple commands or pieces of information to your users, grouped

  • OfficeMenu Free Trial

    OfficeMenu is the ActiveX control for VB that creates instant Microsoft Office XP, 2003, 2007, and .NET style menus. No coding is required, and a more polished user interface can be achieved in just minutes.OfficeMenu lets

  • ProgressBarXP Free Trial

    ProgressBarXP™ is the XP style progress bar control for Visual Basic. You can now have the XP Luna style even if you aren't running on Windows XP.Several drawing styles are available. There is an XP Luna style that works on