• Craps Slot Machine Free

    Craps Slot is a multi spin slot machine, the number of spins are decided on the outcome of first spin; if in first spin sum on dice face is 7 or 11 you WIN; if sum is 2, 3 or 12 mobile wins, if sum is 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10 that

  • Slot Machine - Multi BetLine Free

    Slot Machine Multi Betline is a simulated casino popular slot machine game, 5 credits can be bet on a line and up to 40 credits in a wheel spin. On win, the credits of all lines are accumulated and declared as winner paid.

  • Cherry Slot Machine Free

    Cherry Slot is simulated casino slot machine game. The game has exciting graphics, realistic wheel spins and sound effects, it has following features.Features -* Realistic wheel spin with exciting graphics* Hold reel

  • JezzBall Free Trial

    JezzBall is a fun, strategy ball confining multi level game, player's goal is to build the wall to confine the ball in minimum area and clear the rest of the area in given time. If player clears 75 percent area, he wins and c

  • Word Scrambler Free

    Word Scrambler is a word game. The player's goal is to match as many words as shown in dotted letters in given time limit ( 1 minute for a game);The word can be formed by taping character as displayed on the oval buttons, af

  • Lucky Chance Game Free Trial

    Lucky Chance is a playing card game, here player's goal is to maximize the score by adding the five hand points; the total score is the sum of five hands; if the score is more than 100 then bonus games are given.For more info

  • Match Two Free

    Match Two is memorizing game, player's goal is to flip the block, memorize the displayed shape and try to match the two symbols, finish the game in minimum number of block flips and minimum time. If two flipped blocks have sa

  • Sticks Pickup Free Trial

    Sticks pickup is a multilevel stick picking fun game, the game has exciting user interface, it is a multi mode game. Player can select either fixed no of sticks at the beginning of the game (all sticks will be dropped in game

  • Hangman game upto 3 levels Free

    Hangman is a word game.* Game has 3 difficulty levels.* Game has score leader board, submit score and show your achievement to other players globally.* The game has score backup and restore.

  • Cube Burst Free

    Cube Burst is block breaking fun game. Game has multiple levels and each level has a target score, to move to next level player needs to obtain the target score, build strategy to maximize your score, try to break as many sha

  • Rapid Math Free

    This is simple Mathematical Puzzle.It randomly generates a questions,Player's goal is to answer the question in a given time,

  • Secret Code Free

    Secret Code is a code breaking game, It generates a code and players goal is to guess it in minimum time and attempts, select a color code. for more information see game help.