PROGRAMS BY Yummy Media Inc

  • Segmento Free

    Professor Y has decided to make a Desktop Toy version of Segmento, his first YummyWorks employee. He''s a knockaround kinda bot with a hankering for zero gravity. Programmed with just the right mixture of artificial intellige

  • iRod Free

    Something new is coming to the computer desktop-- iROD©, the first of many DeskTop Toys™ to be exclusively developed by Yummy Media Inc. The iROD© offers “outside the browser,” 3D animated fun for Windows XP users.Drive it,

  • Skycar Free

    Created by Moller International, the M400 Skycar aircraft is a four-person Vertical Takeoff and Landing Vehicle (VTOL) currently undergoing initial flight-testing. The million dollar price tag is a bit rich for most of us so

  • Sparticles Free

    The Sparticles are the first line of Virtual Interactive Collectibles from the YummyWorks Astrofactory. These downloadable, 3D animated, desktop creatures were discovered in the 8th dimension by the enigmatic Professor Y and