Smart DWG to PDF Server Version 4

License: Free Trial ‎File size: 14.66 MB
‎Users Rating: 3.0/5 - ‎6 ‎votes

1. Convert AutoCAD drawings into high quality PDFs - Supports upto AutoCAD 2011 drawing format - DWG/DXF/DWF 2. Works independently of AutoCAD/Acrobat 3. Create high quality vector PDF 4. Configuration file, sets easily and save for further use 5. Support command line (server version) 5. Supported conversion types - Single file conversion - Multiple drawings conversion - Single directory conversion - Multi-level directory conversion 6. Batch conversion: - Supports automatically sorting on file name, file path, file type 7. DWG/DXF/DWF can be easily directly dragged in selection window for converting 8. Specify image resolution for raster images 9. Support OLE 10. Support XREF 11. Support fonts - SHX/True type fonts - Create Searchable texts in PDF 12. Layouts and layers settings - Choose layouts to convert - Turn off non-print layers in conversion (pro) 13. Automatically eliminating blank pages 14. Create different types of PDF from drawing files - Create a single merged PDF file from several drawing files - Create an individual PDF file for each drawing file selected - Create an individual PDF file for each layouts in drawing files 15. Support advanced bookmark, create bookmark automatically using layout name and file name 16. Support advanced watermark/stamps (pro) 17. Password protection for PDF files (pro) 18. Set file permissions to restrict printing, copying and future modifications to the converted PDF (pro) 19. Create different colors and line widths of PDF from drawing files - Support CTB file - Use default line colors and line widths - Customize different color for different lines - Customize different line widths for different color lines - Output PDF in color, gray or black and white - Change PDF background color 20. Support different pager types - More than 75+ paper sizes can be used - Easily customize new special paper sizes 21. Runs on Windows server 2000/2003/2008 (32bit and 64bit)


  • Version 4 posted on 2010-09-01

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