Special Forces Group 2 4.2

License: Free ‎File size: 406.85 MB
‎Users Rating: 3.3/5 - ‎9 ‎votes

3D First Person Shooter in real-time. -Singleplayer(with bots) -Multiplayer Online and with Wifi Multiplayer. -9 game mode (Classic,Resurrection,Capture the Flag,Zombie Mode,BombMode,Knives,Deathmatch,ArmsRace,Sniper) -Weapons Skins (114 pieces) -8 Characters per team -30+ Maps -9 Pistols -4 Shotgun -6 Submachine guns -12 Rifles -5 Sniper-rifles -3 MachineGun -3 Grenades -3 Bulletproof vest -10 Languages(English,Русский,Espanol,Deutsch,Francais,日本人,中国,Türk, Português, Indonesia)


  • Version 1.51 posted on 2016-09-29

Program Details