SWX Onlinebackup 1.3.5

License: Free ‎File size: 4.28 MB
‎Users Rating: 3.0/5 - ‎1 ‎votes

SWX-Onlinebackup can simultaneously store data in up to 8 different backup targets. Available for it are local disks, FTP servers, local network and data services in the cloud (WebDAV). Already integrated Cloud's are: Dropbox, CloudMe, Strato HiDrive, 1 1 SmartDrive, T-Online Media Center, GMX.de, Web.de, MyDrive.ch, 4shared.com, BOX.com yandex.com, smestorage.com... Integrated version control: If desired, you always have several backups on hand. How much you want to keep multiple versions of your file is limited only by the available memory backup. You can enable them individually for each backup destination versioning. To save e.g. automatically get the latest versions in the cloud and keep different (older) versions on an attached USB hard drive. Be alerted after completing a backup by email or SMS. Your data is encrypted before copying / uploading and compressed. We have integrated Rijndael (AES), DES, 3DES and RC2. Can be compressed using zip. So you can your backup from multiple vendors' secure safe . It also works with the free offers of the provider. The program makes 3 types of backups available: Backup at a certain time on certain days Very classic. In order to set up a backup, at a certain time that you on certain days you (in a week). Securing the data after a change In order for the files and folders are backed up by a change (almost immediately). SWX Online Backup monitors then have one or more folders (including subfolders) for 1 minute minimum and compares the state of the folder. If it detects a change in one or more file (s), file (s) is stored in the backup target or the corresponding file in the target deleted / renamed. Whenever you will connect a storage medium (eg USB stick) to your computer automatically made a backup of your data. Whenever you connect a particular USB device to the computer, the predefined directories on the (stick) copied


  • Version 1.3.5 posted on 2013-08-06
  • Version 1.3 posted on 2012-10-25

Program Details


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