Voice V-61 PC Suite 1.00.02

License: Free ‎File size: 4.72 MB
‎Users Rating: 3.4/5 - ‎39 ‎votes

The Voice V-61 PC Suite has been developed and released as support tool for the Voice mobile phones containing all the features needed to keep them synchronized. Among them we have: - The Phonebook tab for contact adding, editing and removing - Message for SMS handling which includes sending, receiving and editing - Settings are for general connection. - Images is for setting up the wallpaper - Melody is used for selecting and saving a tune for the mobile phone - MMS can help manage multimedia messages - File manager is for all the other files management


  • Version 1.00.02 posted on 2006-07-15
    Several fixes and updates
  • Version 1.00.02 posted on 2006-07-15

Program Details