WebCab Portfolio for .NET 4.2

License: Free Trial ‎File size: 2.68 MB
‎Users Rating: 5.0/5 - ‎1 ‎votes

.NET, COM and XML Web service implementation of Markowitz Theory and Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) to analyze and construct the optimal portfolio with/without asset weight constraints with respect to Markowitz Theory by giving the risk, return or investors utility function; or with respect to CAPM by given the risk, return or Market Portfolio weighting. Also includes Performance Evaluation, extensive auxiliary classes/methods including equation solve and interpolation procedures, analysis of Efficient Frontier, Market Portfolio and CML. Utility Functionality included: Interpolation - Cubic spline and general polynomial interpolation procedures to assist in the study of the Efficient Frontier SolveFrontier - Solve the Efficient Frontier with respect to the risk, return, or the investors utility function. MaxRange - Maximum range of the constrained Efficient Frontier AssetParameters - Evaluation of the covariance matrix, expected return, volatility, portfolio risk/variance. Performance Evaluation - Offers a number of procedures for accessing the return and risk adjusted return (Treynors Measure, Sharpes Ratio). This product also has the following technology aspects: 3-in-1: .NET, COM, and XML Web services - Three DLLs, Three API Docs, Three Sets of Client Example all in 1 product. Offering a 1st class .NET, COM, and XML Web service product implementation. Extensive Client Examples - Multiple client examples including .NET (C#, VB.NET, C++.NET), COM and XML Web services (C#, VB.NET) ADO Mediator - The ADO Mediator assists the .NET developer in writing DBMS enabled applications by transparently combining the financial and mathematical functionality of our .NET components with the ADO.NET Database Connectivity model. Compatible Containers - Visual Studio 6, Visual Studio .NET, Borland''s C++ Builder, Borland Delphi 3 - 2005, Office 97/2000/XP/2003 ASP.NET Web Application Examples ASP.NET Examples with Synthetic ADO.NET


  • Version 4.2 posted on 2004-09-26

Program Details


WebCab Portfolio for .NET Demo License PLEASE READ THIS AGREEMENT CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THE COMPONENT. WEBCAB WILL ONLY GRANT A DEMO LICENSE FOR THIS COMPONENT IF YOU FIRST ACCEPT THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT. In this license the vendor, WebCab Limited is referred to as WebCab. The Demo version of the Component is owned by WebCab, and is copyrighted and licensed, not sold. This is the license agreement for the demo of the Portfolio .NET Service, herein referred to as "demo". WebCab grants you a nonexclusive license for the Demo Component to be used by one developer at any given time. The term "Demo" means the original component with limited usage restrictions and all whole or partial copies of it, including portions merged into other applications. The Components usage is restricted using one or both of the following methods: 1) Each client may call each function within the .NET Service a limited number of times. 2) The data input set is predefined within the bean. In no instance may the licensee attempt to remove or modify these restrictions. A Demo consists of machine-readable instructions, audio/visual content (such as images, text, recordings, or pictures), and related licensed materials. Use of the Demo 1) One developer may use the Demo at any one time, except as otherwise stated in this section. You agree to ensure that anyone who uses the Demo (accessed either locally or remotely) does so only for your authorized use and complies with the terms of this Agreement. 2) A Demo License is offered without charge, to allow prospective full license holders to better understand the capabilities of the product. 3) The demonstration license, supplied with this .NET Service, is valid for sixty days after receipt of the licensed material. All copies and related material must be deleted within the sixty-day period. The Demonstration License is non-transferable 4) A demonstration license cannot be upgraded to any of the other License options, and cannot be updated or upgraded to a new demonstration version. Limitations on copying or disassembling licensed software 5) User may not take any steps, such as altering, decompiling, disassembling, reverse assembling, or reverse compiling, to derive the source code equivalent of the Licensed Program. Limitations on purposes of use; prohibition of commercial use of licensed materials 6) Users may not provide services for a fee using the demo. 7) Users may not release the demo version within a commercial environment, application or system. 8) Under no circumstances may a Permitted User store any parts of the demo for the purposes of resale or redistribution. 9) Except as expressly permitted above, the demo may not be used for any (i) fee-for-service use including providing access to or selling copies of items, (ii) systematic supply or distribution of portions of or items from the demo in any form to anyone other than an Authorized User, or (iii) any similar activity. Limitations on alteration or modification of licensed materials 10) Licensee and its Authorized users may not modify, adapt, transform, translate, or create any derivative work based on any materials included within the demo, or otherwise use any such materials, in a manner that would infringe the copyright therein. Any copyright notices, other notices or disclaimers included WebCab within the demo or any accompanying screen displays may not be removed, obscured or modified in any way. 11) Unless specifically authorized in writing, licensed machine-readable forms may not be combined, duplicated, divided or added to by Licensee. If any licensed machine-readable form is combined, duplicated, divided or added to, such shall be deemed a licensed machine-readable form subject to all terms and conditions contained in this agreement. Limited Warranty 12) WebCab warrants that the Demo herein will perform substantially in accordance with the accompanying written materials for a period of sixty days from the date of receipt. Any implied warranties on WebCab are limited to sixty days. Some states do not allow limitations on duration of an implied warranty, so the above limitation may not apply to you. 13) The licensee''s only remedy shall be, at WebCab''s option, replacement of the demo with renewed license agreement. This Limited Warranty is void if failure of the demo has resulted from accident, abuse, or misapplication. NO OTHER WARRANTIES. WEBCAB DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH RESPECT TO THE SOFTWARE AND THE ACCOMPANYING WRITTEN MATERIALS. THIS LIMITED WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS. YOU MAY HAVE OTHERS, WHICH VARY FROM STATE TO STATE. NO LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL WEBCAB OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION, OR OTHER PECUNIARY LOSS) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THIS WEBCAB PRODUCT, EVEN IF WEBCAB HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. BECAUSE SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. Force Majeure 15) Neither party shall be liable in damages or have the right to terminate this Agreement for any delay or default in performing hereunder if such delay or default is caused by conditions beyond its control including, but not limited to Acts of God, Government restrictions (including the denial or cancellation of any export or other necessary license), wars, insurrections and/or any other cause beyond the reasonable control of the party whose performance is affected. Consequences of Unauthorized Use 16) Licensee shall promptly notify WebCab of any infringements of copyrights or any unauthorized use of the demo in print or digital form of which they become aware. Licensee shall cooperate with WebCab in any investigation of such infringements or unauthorized uses. WebCab shall have the sole right, at its expense, to bring any action on account of such infringements or unauthorized uses provided that WebCab will not bring an action against any Authorized user without first consulting with Licensee. Licensee shall cooperate with WebCab in any such action, in such manner as WebCab may reasonably request and at WebCab''s expense. In the event of any infringement or unauthorized use by an Authorized User, Licensee shall take all reasonable steps to cause such Authorized user to cease such activity and to prevent any recurrence thereof. In addition, WebCab may terminate the Authorized User''s demo license agreement.