MeshX 2.4

License: Free Trial ‎File size: 1.80 MB
‎Users Rating: 5.0/5 - ‎1 ‎votes


MeshX is a 3D modelling program, for creating, viewing, editing, and saving DirectX X files. It can be used to create and edit models for use in 3D programming, or just to create great 3D art. There are three lights which you can move and adjust, and you can capture the DirectX window to a bitmap file at any time. You can switch to full screen mode to get a better view, and still move and rotate meshes while in full screen mode. MeshX also will create seven basic shapes, and comes with a compressed library of models, to help get you started. MeshX views meshes as solids by default, but its wireframe mode will display the basic mesh without lighting, and allow vertex level editing of the mesh. You can view the materials contained by the mesh, add new materials, and assign materials to selected mesh faces (3D painting, if you will). There are a few advanced editing functions that allow editing multiple selected faces, or all of the mesh faces, at once. There are now boolean, tesselate, and mirror functions. If you screen capture meshes to image files, then edit with a graphics program, you can create some stunning 3D art.