PixelPal 2.0
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ABOUT PixelPal
Quickly determine what color is being used on a website or your desktop. PixelPal will allow you to quickly find the exact RGB color you are viewing on your screen. With a move of your mouse, PixelPal will allow you to choose the perfect color by enabling you to zoom in on the color of your choice. Control keys: Enter - keep the focus on the PixelPal window. Arrow keys - move the focus of the cursor one pixel. Ctrl key - show the window area behind the cursor at the moment the Ctrl key is pressed. Shift - show the relative coordinates (RXY) of the cursor at the moment the Shift key is pressed. Use the left mouse key to bring up a separate menu. - The Keys 1, 2, 3 and 4 will allow writing the following values to the clipboard: XY coordinates, RGB color, HTML Hex color, RXY coordinates.