GestCalc - Idade Gestacional 5

License: Free ‎File size: 48.23 MB
‎Users Rating: 3.8/5 - ‎41 ‎votes

*** APPLICATION WITHOUT PLAUSIBLE SCIENTIFIC SUBSTRATE FOR PROFESSIONAL USE *** Program that assists in the calculation of gestational age. * Calculates by DUM; * Calculates by age of Ultrasound, correcting Gestational Age.


  • Version 5 posted on 2013-05-03
    *** Versão de correção,Corrigido o cálculo da DPP pelo USG, com contribuições do,Dr. Tariq,Ajude-nos a melhorar, mande suas sugestões para [email protected],Abraços.
  • Version 5 posted on 2011-08-31
    Several fixes and updates

Program Details