MakeMsi 15.120

License: Free ‎File size: 7.55 MB
‎Users Rating: 4.0/5 - ‎9 ‎votes

Written by a Microsoft MVP to create or update MSI (Windows Installer) based installers for files, registry etc using an XML like script. Has command line support for use in unattended builds (NMAKE, ANT, NANT builds etc). It builds a HTML report by default (with a "file verify" button). For both beginners and advanced users. Common processes can be defined once and reused in multiple projects (templates). Has extensive documentation and a large user group (500+ members). A MSI compare or disassemble tool is available which generates MAKEMSI output, this is commonly used by people wishing to automate tasks they currently use ORCA for. Also has a framework for easy MSM (merge module) and CUB (MSI validation suite) building.


  • Version 15.120 posted on 2015-05-01
    As usual many improvements (for more information visit: ''). Thanks.
  • Version 09.296 posted on 2009-10-23

Program Details


MAKEMSI IS FREEWARE! You do not have to pay any licence fee to use it whether you are a company or private individual. To protect yourself, I do require you to have at least read the 'Disclaimer' section of the manual. FEEDBACK While it is free (or because of this) I would like and expect that if you can think of any improvements or spot any bugs (or even spelling or formatting errors in the documentation) that you would email me to let me know! It is a lot of work to develop and support MAKEMSI and every bit of help helps not only me but further development of this product. DISTRIBUTION MAKEMSI may be freely distributed (but not sold) in full. Files must not be removed from any distributed exe or zip files and zip file comments must not be removed or altered. You may add the program to CD-ROM or other collections of freeware and shareware as long as you provide my web site's address to point back to my site for updates. While by its very nature full source comes with MAKEMSI, it is not open source. You must not make changes to MAKEMSI and then make a competing product available for downloading by others. You can make changes for your own (or your company's) use however, in general, I would like to know of your requirements so I can include support for them in a following release. If in doubt contact me! SUPPORT I prefer support emails to be via the MAKEMSI group ( and you can search the archive without joining. See the manual for more information if you wish to post a question or problem (it will list the information I require for rapid responses to your posts). In emergency you can contact me via 'dbareis @ IhateSpam'. MAKEMSI is (C)opyright Dennis Bareis 2003-2008. All rights reserved.