PROGRAMS BY D. L. Yonge-Mallo

  • boQwI' (Klingon language) Free

    tlhIngan Hol boQwI' / Klingon Language Assistant is a lexicon dictionary, canon search tool, and grammar analyser for the Klingon language ({tlhIngan Hol}) devised by Marc Okrand for Star Trek's warrior race, and spoken by ch

  • Klingon Language Text-To-Speech Engine Free

    This is a Text-To-Speech (TTS) engine for the Klingon language ({tlhIngan Hol}) which can be used with {boQwI'} and other supported apps. It can be used with any web browser which supports the text selection action. (Chrome s

  • Persian Soft Keyboard (old) Free

    IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ BEFORE INSTALLING: This app is obsolete and is provided for historical purposes only. It was created before Android had native support for Persian input. A newer Persian keyboard layout is already inclu