PROGRAMS BY Ruval Enterprises

  • Jet Lag Buster Free

    Does jet lag get you down every time you travel across time zones?Are your sleep patterns off the chart?Researchers at Stanford University think they have a solution. They've found that brief, frequent flashes of light w

  • Yo-Yo Intermittent Pro Free Trial

    A sophisticated app aimed at group testing and advanced individual testing. Please take some time to examine it (see Do a few "dry" runs before going live with it.Yo-Yo Intermittent Pro is an

  • Yo-Yo Intermittent Test Free

    The Yo-Yo Intermittent Test evaluates one's stamina using a profile similar to sports like soccer, basketball and other similar "stop-and-go" vigorous sports.This app will allow you to conduct the following:* The Yo-Yo I