SONaFR 2.0

License: Free ‎File size: 55.46 MB
‎Users Rating: 3.0/5 - ‎1 ‎votes

SONaFR 2.0 is a small USB distribution - two USB images, one has 120 MB and the other one has 1 GB; it has DHCP running in it, Midnight Commander (a Norton Commander clone) and various basic system tools. Its basic purpose is NAT/Firewalling - that is, it is the (software) router. An easy script is prepared in the root directory (makeiso) that will help users make the ISO file of this thing with a breeze. Users can setup Router/Firewall very easily - they just need to type readme when this thing is ready. SONaFR 2.0 will help users avoid spending money in expensive software solutions and they can build a router with this thing in small/home networks (homes or small businesses), particularly old and cheap computers are the best option to choose for this thing. Today, USB flash drives are very cheap and much faster than CD's, so making the ISO image from this thing is left as an option. SONaFR 2.0 can also be very useful to test the network connectivity, to learn about the OpenBSD Packet Filtering capabilities, as OpenBSD is considered by many IT experts to be the best option when security matters. SONaFR 2.0 can be used with computers running any operating system.


  • Version 2.0 posted on 2012-07-18

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