Wholesale Advance Quick Order Magento 2 Extension 1.0.1

License: Free Trial ‎File size: 512.00 KB
‎Users Rating: 0.0/5 - ‎0 ‎votes

An important tool that enables distributer clients to add various items to truck without truly going by every item page. - Permits including various basic items by only a single tick activity in shopping basket - Quick Order frame interface empowers including different items by their SKU - Usability expands consumer loyalty and also dependability - Auto recommendation of item's SKUs decreases the likelihood of human blunder - CSV import highlight empowers adding numerous items to the truck in view of their SKU's - Empowers customization of position, movement and connection catch mark in the Quick Order frame - Empowers customization of auto look character restrict, result thing include, default unmistakable content boxes the Quick Order shape


  • Version 1.0.1 posted on 2018-01-04
    1.0.1 CE

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