yalips maps 3.1.0

License: Free Trial ‎File size: 31.09 MB
‎Users Rating: 5.0/5 - ‎1 ‎votes

With yalips maps you get 4 products in 1. You are more productive, more creative and perform better on your job when using visual software tools. With the resulting visualizations you can communicate more effectively and convincingly to your collegues, your boss, your customer or the chairman of the board. Therefore many companies spent a lot of money on such tools. Unfortunately, most tools are expensive and difficult to learn. yalips maps is designed to overcome these problems because it: (1) integrates several visualization techniques e.g. brainstorming, mapping, gantt, flowcharts, and UML modeling, (2) can be learned within minutes from video tutorials, and (3) comes at moderate costs. yalips maps is the ideal solution for home users, academics and small businesses.


  • Version 3.1.0 posted on 2007-11-19

Program Details


Software agreement for yalips maps software § 1 Subject matter of agreement (1) Subject matter of this agreement is the right to use the yalips maps software and the user documentation (manual), in the following summarily referred to as Software. The Software is executable only in connection with the Eclipse software. (2) The Software is prepared by: yalips Software, Marco Kukulies, Benefiziat-Bach-Strasse 6, D-82152 Planegg, Germany. (3) The Software is only executable after entry of the installation key communicated to the user. The user is obliged to keep this installation key secret and not to disclose it to third parties. If third parties obtain knowledge of the installation key through the user's fault, the user is obliged vis-à-vis the supplier to pay any damage or loss incurred from this circumstance, the user being especially obliged to pay to the manufacturer an amount equivalent to the purchase price if the third party uses the Software without being authorised to do so, using the key. (4) If the user has purchased only a trial version, he is entitled to use it for a period of 30 days. He must not make backup copies, use the Software on several computers in accordance with Sec. 3 Subsec. 2, resell it in accordance with Sec. 4 Subsec. 1 or decompile or modify it in accordance with Sec. 5. After 30 days, the right of use expires; the user is obliged to delete any copies of the program he may have made. (5) Use of the Software in safety-critical areas such as military, hospitals, nuclear power plants, flight surveillance and other areas where there are stringent requirements to the quality of data processing, is excluded. (6) Subject matter of this agreement are not the Eclipse software modules, especially Eclipse RCP. The accompanying Eclipse Program and the Eclipse modules are subject to the terms of the Eclipse Public License – v 1.0. The Eclipse program and the modules are provided without any warranties and conditions, express and implied, including warranties or conditions of title and non-infringement, and implied warranties or conditions of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Contributors‘ liability for damages, including direct, indirect, special, incidental and consequential damages, such as lost profits is hereby excluded. Each Recipient is solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using and distributing the program and assumes all risks associated with its exercise of rights under this agreement, including but not limited to the risks and costs of program errors, compliance with applicable laws, damage to or loss of data, programs or equipment, and unavailability or interruption of operations. The source code for the Eclipse program and the Eclipse modules is available on: www.eclipse.org . § 2 Reproduction rights and backup copies (1) The user may copy the program supplied if such copy is required for the use of the program. Such necessary copies are in the first place the installation of the software used in the bulk memory and the loading of the program into the main storage. (2) The user must not make any further copies. This applies also to backup copies as well as copies of the user handbook. If the files made available are damaged or become otherwise unusable, the user can request a new copy from the supplier, which is provided on-line. For this copy the user pays an administrative fee of 25.00 €. § 3 Multiple use (1) The right of use covers a single-use licence. The user may use the Software on any of his hardware. If the user changes over to a new hardware configuration, he is to delete the Software from the bulk memory of the previous hardware. Parallel storing, maintenance or use on more than one computer is unacceptable. The use in networks or other multi-station computer systems is excluded. (2) The user may purchase a network licence against payment of a separate fee, the amount of which depends on the number of users connected to the computer system. Upon written request stating the number of users, the supplier informs the user of the amount of this fee. Not the number of users who access the Software simultaneously is decisive, but the number of users who generally have the possibility to access it. § 4 Resale and re-lease (1) The user may sell or give the Software including the user manual and other additional information to third parties provided the receiving third party agrees with the present contractual conditions continuing to be valid for itself as well. If the user passes the Software on, he is to hand over to the new user all copies of the program or destroy the copies not handed over. When the software has been passed on, the right of the old user to use the program expires. In the event of resale of the Software, the user is obliged to notify the supplier in writing of the purchaser's name and full address. (2) The user must not lease out the Software including the user manual and the additional information for profit-making purposes. The user may lend out the Software, if the third party agrees with the present contractual provisions continuing to be valid for itself as well and the user lending out the Software hands over all copies of the program including potential backups or destroys any copies not handed over. For the third party period of use of the Software, the user transferring the program has no right to use it himself. (3) The user must not allow third parties the use of the Software, if there is a reasonable suspicion that the third party may infringe the contractual conditions, especially make copies without permission. § 5 Decompilation and program amendments (1) Reversal of the compilation of the program codes made available into other forms of code (decompilation) as well as other types of tracing back the different Software stages (reverse engineering) are unacceptable. The interface information required for ensuring inter-operability of an independently created computer program is available from the supplier against payment of a small fee. (2) Program amendments are permissible only for the purpose of debugging if the supplier does not eliminate the fault within a reasonable period of time despite according information by the user containing an exact description of the fault encountered. Otherwise program amendments are permissible only if insolvency proceedings are instituted against the seller's assets or institution of insolvency proceedings is rejected due to insufficient assets and there is no third party authorised by the seller to maintain the Software. Third parties must not be allowed the use of amended programs. (3) Copyright notes, serial numbers and other characteristics identifying the program must not be removed or modified. The same applies to suppression of the display of such characteristics on the monitor. § 6 Collision with deviating terms and conditions of business If the user has his own general terms and conditions, they will not become part of the agreement, but the present terms and conditions take precedence. The agreement comes into existence even without express agreement on the application of general terms and conditions. § 7 Requirement of writing The supplier's employees must not agree to any modifications or amendments to these contractual provisions or to special agreements outside normal performance of the agreement or make other special representations and warranties. They are valid only upon confirmation in writing by the supplier. § 8 Claims based on defects Claims based on potential Software defects must be addressed to the seller. § 9 Choice of law, jurisdiction (1) The present agreement and the legal relationship between the parties are subject to the legislation of the Federal Republic of Germany, the UN Sales Convention (CISG) not being applicable. (2) If the user is a merchant, a public corporation or a special fund under public law or if he does not have domicile in Germany the courts in Munich (Germany) have jurisdiction in all conflicts under or in connection with this agreement. (14.11.2007)